Real Estate Pros:
Download The Strategic Marketer
Your No-Nonsense Guide to Marketing and Creating Leads
Get 190+ pages of hard-earned marketing knowledge, industry research, and actionable
guidance you can use to transform your real estate business today!
It’s all yours, and it’s all available for free!
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When I started Poetica Marketing, I aimed to rail against one of the biggest failures I saw within the agency model:
In working with another Pittsburgh agency, I found that many clients were shoved into the same marketing “strategy” over and over again—regardless of the nuances behind their business, their people, or their customers.
Over time, I came to find this was common across the board for marketers everywhere, including people working in-house at larger companies.
These internal marketing managers are just as likely to fall into the same ruts, and they inevitably resist change simply because change is hard.
And that’s where the trouble starts.
Once marketers stop innovating based on the data they see, businesses fall. Revenue dries up, and suddenly it’s all hands on deck trying to right the ship. All because nobody wanted change.
Well, to hell with rigidity. We all deserve better.
That’s where The Strategic Marketer: Effective, Low-Cost, And Practical Marketing Strategies from the Agency Trenches comes in.
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In The Strategic Marketer, we explore a variety of affordable, realistic (and proven) marketing strategies that are available to your company today.
Together, we’ll examine:
- How your marketing channels can and should work together so your entire marketing hums along smoothly
- How to inject your marketing efforts with an extra shot of humanity to ensure you’re constantly speaking directly to your target audience
- How to leverage the latest in human psychology research across all of your marketing campaigns
- How to best approach blogging and social media to avoid wasting tons of time and money on ineffective strategies
- And much, much more!
Download your copy today!
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